segunda-feira, outubro 13, 2008

Uma realidade bem diferente da nossa

What's Wrong with Digital Echocardiography?
Digital imaging echocardiography has had one other notable effect on the practice of echocardiography. When most echo labs recorded images on videotape, sonographers and physicians typically met around the echo review workstation. This was the echo lab's equivalent of the “water cooler”. Sonographers would use the workstation's video recorder to rewind tapes for physician review; physicians would use the recorder for study playback and interpretation. Now, image management is centered on the “server”, the large computer on which images are stored and from which they are retrieved for review. As a sonographer colleague recently put it, “my job is to be sure that all of the studies have been transferred to the server before my bus leaves”. The physician interpreter will then call up the study images on a computer or workstation - perhaps in the echo laboratory, perhaps on a hospital ward, perhaps from his/her home. Increasingly, I fear, study review and interpretation is done without sonographer input. Unfortunately, this is not ideal for either the physician or the sonographer, since each benefits greatly from the other's input. While it is possible for the sonographer to add labels to the digital images, this does not substitute for direct communication between examiner and interpreter, and it misses the opportunity for both to learn from interacting.
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No Brasil, nós fazemos o exames, conversamos com os pacientes e tiramos nossas impressões em tempo real.
Sem dúvida, melhor para o paciente e seu médico assistente. Concordam?

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