quinta-feira, junho 28, 2012

Advinha quem vem para palestrar na SBC 2012?

Supine Bicycle Echocardiography

Results: Imaging during intermediate stages improved the sensitivity for detection of all individual vessel stenoses (78% vs. 58%, p < 0.001) and patients overall (94% vs. 74%, p = 0.001). The specificity was unchanged (all vessels: 83% vs. 81%, all patients: 64% vs. 60%). A change in left ventricular end-systolicvolume from intermediate stage to peak exercise of >10% predicted CAD (sensitivity 94%, specificity 74%) and was more marked than changes observed from rest to peak exercise. The severity of coronary stenosis related to the double product achieved at the onset of ischemia during exercise (r = –0.61, p < 0.001) better than that at maximal exercise (r = –0.31, p < 0.01).
Conclusions: During BEE, the acquisition and interpretation of intermediate stages of exercise in addition to peak exercise improves the detection of CAD and allows a better physiologic evaluation of the severity of coronary stenosis.
Para nossa alegria, um ecocardiografista é presidente do American College.
Para alegria de poucos no Brasil, ele é um defensor do Eco de Estresse com bicicleta!!!
Lotaremos a platéia , na sua participação confirmada no congresso SBC 2012.


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